Sunday, February 15, 2015

Maiolica Majolica 7

This time I am posting some of my majolica. The designs from Hispano-Moresque ceramics are often different than those of Italian maiolica. Lots of palmettes and pomegranate shapes, influenced by Middle Eastern pottery designs, but still overglaze on a tin glaze base.
A considerable difference is that so much of majolica was glazed with a beautiful luster and was fired in a rather complicated method of firing. There are very pricy commercial luster glazes available that contain real gold, but it would take quite a bit to cover one ceramic piece and is not at all practical. I will probably do one real gold luster piece someday.
Today I present bowls.

In this bowl, I chose one of the shapes of Hispano-Moresque bowls as well as the design.

The outside of the piece was also majolica glazed with a design from the period.

Same shape of majolica bowl, very different designs. Kind of a compass star design in the center.

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