Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Albarello jar in Maiolica

This is also a reproduction of one of the works of Master Nicola Francoloi from Durata. Done sometime between 1520-25This time the maiolica is on an albarello also known as a 'pharmacy jar'. During the time these were used to store drugs and herbs in. The original had a banner that referred to the concoction which had nothing to do...in so far as is known, with the Belle Donne pictured on front. I think the yellow shapes on the foliage are flowers, they look similar to pears too, but hang like flowers rather than fruit.
My copy skipped the drug name, but is also done in maiolica and will be fired at a low-fire temperature as was the original.

I have been working on maiolica to display in the AnTir Arts and Sciences Competition. These will not be in the competition itself, but on show along with Sine McDonald who is a wonderful, wonderful maiolica artist and will be displaying her masterful work alongside of mine. I am quite honored that she wanted to show with me.

This takes place next weekend, and I will have pictures to post after that.