I have been frustrated with the reception my pottery has recieved over the past year and was ready to try something new. No plans for a permanent switch, but getting the brain cells shaken up by doing something different seemed like a good idea.
I have always drawn, but for my own enjoyment and not intended for show, they stay firmly in a sketch book. I've also worked on and off on altered books for a few years, but I've never been totally satisfied with them. For these collage-mixed media works I used some of my most successful altered book techniques.
Title: "Softly Winged the Raven"
This mixed media piece was for the PWA show "The Road Less Traveled". There are so many layers of materials I don't think I could recount the process. The title comes from one of the found poems that are included in the collage.
Hoping to decide on a title, it just hasn't occured to me quite yet. This Collage is for the PWA show titled "Joy". I was very reluctant to try anything with a "joy" theme. I haven't felt joyful and forced joy would not come out well. Anything I didn't feel would end up sappy and I was determined to have a real content. I felt this was successful, it is a positive, energetic design. My thoughts were how much I enjoy the looks of the horses in cave paintings and the shapes of dancers leaping. The PWA show will be hung in January.