These plates & bowls from the previous post were fired to cone 6. I found I liked the underglaze applications best. I still have quite a bit of experimentation to do until I am satisfied with the cone 6 faux maiolica. The application of white glaze base upon which the maiolica is painted needs improvement I think. The glaze texture was lovely, satiny-smooth, after having been fired though, there was some glaze peeling before firing.
This Pelican plate is now in the collection of Brighid, Baroness
Dragon's Laire. Given to her by an anonymous friend. I've been asked
who, but my lips are sealed.
Mistress Sine has spoken for this raven bowl. I am happy with
the glazes, but would like to fire it one more time to
smooth the texture more.
All in all, I was excited by the outcomes of this firing and plan to do more without waiting to get snowed in this time.